Forum on TIR Customs Transit System

Promotion of bilateral transit arrangements and PRC’s accession to the TIR Convention are two priorities of the CAREC’s Trade Facilitation program. The forum was co-financed by ADB and the General Administration of PRC Customs, in partnership with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, World Customs Organization, and International Road Transport Union.

The forum focused on the following:

  • Implication of PRC’s TIR convention for regional transit development, particularly in promoting Central Asia/Western part of PRC as the modern “silk road” and landbridge connecting Asia and Europe;
  • Promotion of private sector participation in CAREC’s trade facilitation program, in particular, partnership between public and private sectors (customs-trade/transport organizations) in securing the safe operation of the TIR Customs Transit System;
  • Role of customs cooperation for transit under the TIR carnets; and
  • TIR Convention as a “catalyst” for furthering progress in the priority areas of CAREC’s trade facilitation program, particularly in areas of mutual recognition of customs control procedures/customs seals/stamps, promotion of data exchanges, leading the harmonization of customs documentation, and thus streamlining the procedures.

Event Materials