CAREC Institute

About the CAREC Institute

The Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Institute is an intergovernmental organization dedicated to promoting economic cooperation through knowledge generation, capacity building and knowledge sharing in the CAREC region. As a leading regional knowledge hub, the CAREC Institute has a mission to support shared future and sustainable development in the CAREC region and beyond.

The CAREC Institute is jointly shared, owned, and governed by eleven member countries: Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, People’s Republic of China, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. The CAREC Institute, headquartered in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China, provides hands-on support to the CAREC member countries through research, knowledge products and services.

The CAREC Institute is a knowledge support arm of the CAREC Program which is a proactive facilitator of practical, results-based regional projects, and policy initiatives critical to sustainable economic growth and shared prosperity in the region, guided by the overarching vision of “Good Neighbors, Good Partners, and Good Prospects.”

The CAREC Institute acts as a knowledge connector among the five CAREC clusters to ensure coherence in design and implementation of policies, programs, and projects to promote regional economic cooperation and integration.

To fulfill its objectives, the CAREC Institute:

  • Provides high-impact knowledge solutions and analytical underpinnings to facilitate an inclusive regional cooperation for catalyzing balanced development solutions synergizing national development challenges and priorities with regional aspirations.
  • Facilitates sharing of good practices of the region and the world to enable the member countries to respond effectively to regional challenges and capitalize on opportunities.
  • Enhances the capabilities of government officials to engage in regional cooperation processes, design and implement regional cooperation projects, and conduct sophisticated policy analysis for informed policy decisions.
  • Conducts strategic research by mobilizing relevant intellectual resources to enhance regional cooperation and accelerate growth.
  • Improves the effectiveness of decision making among the member countries through facilitation of policy dialogue and dissemination of findings at high-level platforms.
  • Promotes regional alliances and facilitates development of think tanks in the region to serve as a resource base for strategic research and knowledge sharing.

Capacity Building

CTTN Activities

Economic Monitoring

Knowledge Management

Research Activities

Major Publications

CI Factsheet


CI Factsheet


CI Booklet

CAREC Institute’s Strategy

The CAREC Institute 2021-2025 Strategy provides a framework for supporting the CAREC member countries, builds upon the foundation established by the institute in previous years and aligns objectives with CAREC 2030 priorities. The CAREC Institute’s Annual Report for 2023 is available here.

The CAREC Institute’s long-term vision “Leading knowledge center promoting economic cooperation in the CAREC region for shared and sustainable development” is consistent with the CAREC 2030 mission—’A Regional Cooperation Platform to Connect People, Policies, and Projects for Shared and Sustainable Development’—and incorporates present opportunities and future ambitions.

Under this vision, the CAREC Institute aims to enhance the quality and effectiveness of the CAREC Program by providing evidence-based research and capacity building services, dissemination of knowledge products, and networking with research institutions.

Recognizing an urgent need to further finetune to respond to the evolving external environment, mainly being shaped by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the CAREC Institute has decided to adapt quickly to the post-COVID business environment, which necessitates innovative, technology intensive approaches to capacity building, research, and knowledge management, while focusing on evolving country-specific and regional needs.

CAREC Institute’s Strategy is defined by the following guiding principles:

  • Alignment with CAREC program: the CAREC Institute will focus on issues related to achieving the goals linked with and complementary to the CAREC program.
  • Consistency with international best practice: the CAREC Institute will abide by principles consistent with public international law and good governance.
  • Transparency: the CAREC Institute’s activities will be open and transparent to all stakeholders. The CAREC Institute will improve its public relations through the effective use of mass media.
  • Balance and fairness: The operations of the CAREC Institute will be balanced and fair, considering the multitude of needs of the CAREC Institute member countries.
  • Equitability: Services provided by the CAREC Institute will be distributed equitably among member countries based on their needs and initiatives.
  • Collaboration: CAREC Institute’s activities will be planned and conducted in collaboration with member countries, partner organizations, think tanks, universities, research, and training centers.

The CAREC Institute’s Strategy for 2021-2025 is available here.

To learn more about the latest Key Activities, follow this link.

To access free courses and videos of CAREC Institute’s events, visit its E-learning platform.

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Contact Information

21st Floor, Commercial Building Block 8, Vanke Metropolitan,

No. 66 Longteng Road, Shuimogou District, Urumqi, Xinjiang, the PRC, 830028

F: +86-991-8891151
