Ms. Nazgul Bazhayeva Director, Digital Transformation Department, Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry (MDDIAI), Kazakhstan
Ms. Lyaziza Sabyrova Regional Head Regional Cooperation and Integration (CWRC), Central and West Asia Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
14:10 –14:20
Moderated by Ms. Nazgul Bazhayeva, Director, Digital Transformation Department, MDDIAI, Kazakhstan
14:20 – 14:50
This session will report on the achievements since the first meeting of the Digital Strategy Steering Committee, particularly those supported by TA on Supporting Startup Ecosystem in the CAREC Region to Mitigate Impact of COVID-19 and Support Economic Revival (TA 6602). The presentation will also identify priority areas, including activities required in line with the CAREC 2030 Strategy Midterm Review and the mainstreaming of the CAREC Climate Change Vision.
Presentation by Dorothea Lazaro, Senior Regional Cooperation Specialist, Regional Cooperation and Integration, Central and West Asia Department, ADB
14:50 – 15:00
Coffee Break
15:00 – 16:45
Each country’s delegation will provide brief interventions on the progress and requirements of implementing the CAREC Digital Strategy 2030. Development partners may provide intervention, share related regional initiatives and their alignment to the objectives and priorities under the CAREC Digital Strategy 2030.
Presentation by Arndt Husar, Senior Public Management Specialist, Climate Change and Sustainable Development, ADB
16:45 – 16:55
The meeting will deliberate on the key priorities and next steps.
Ms. Nazgul Bazhayeva, Director of Digital Transformation Department, MDDIAI, Kazakhstan
Ms. Lyaziza Sabyrova, Regional Head, Regional Cooperation and Integration, Central and West Asia Department, ADB