CAREC Federation of Carrier and Forwarder Associations Meeting (August 2011)

About 50 participants, representing more than 20 trade logistics associations from all 10 CAREC member countries, attended the 2-day meeting. Highlights included

  • Formation of three working groups that will focus on
    1. promotion of common standards, processes, and introduction of international best practices that will benefit the transport and logistics system of CAREC countries;
    2. cross-border and corridor development; and
    3. CFCFA organizational development and funding.

    Each group prepared their initial work plans for 2011-2012 which were approved by the general assembly.

  • Session on FIATA (International Federation of Freight Forwarders Association) Standards, led by Mr. Thomas Sim, chairman of FIATA Advocacy Body Vocational Training. He presented FIATA principles, vocational training programs, and standardized documents. He also explored possible cooperation between FIATA and CFCFA on vocational training.
  • Election of a new CFCFA Vice Chairman and Executive Board members.

Event Materials