ADB Provides Technical Assistance for CAREC Transport and Trade Facilitation Strategy Review


The Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved a technical assistance in September 2012, to conduct the midterm review of the Transport and Trade Facilitation Strategy (“the strategy”) and the Implementation Action Plan (the “action plan”) of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program. The review will contribute to the goals of regional connectivity and trade expansion of CAREC countries, among themselves, and with the rest of the world.

The technical assistance will be conducted in two phases. In phase 1, a comprehensive stock-take will assess progress of the strategy and action plan (2008–2017). Based on the outcome of phase 1, the strategy will be updated in phase 2, by the end of 2013.

The review will be conducted in the context of (i) globalization having resulted in changes in global production structures and supply chains, and (ii) CAREC countries having achieved differing degrees of economic growth since 2007.

The review will also focus on issues of connectivity, cross-border movement, integrated multimodal transport system, road maintenance, road safety, and environment and social safeguards.

The strategy is now halfway through its implementation period. Most of its progress has been made in constructing and rehabilitating the transport infrastructure along the six CAREC corridors. As of October 2012, the cumulative total of highways that are in good condition exceed the target of 75% of the total length of CAREC corridors.

ADB will implement the technical assistance and supervise the conduct of the midterm review. The review team is being assisted by CAREC’s national focal points, advisors, and regional cooperation coordinators in the 10 countries.

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