High-Level Dialogue: Balancing Infrastructure Investment with Debt Sustainability in CAREC Countries
Asian Development Bank (ADB), International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank jointly organized the CAREC forum to discuss the fiscal constraints, debt sustainability, and the need for more private sector involvement in infrastructure financing.
ADB Vice-President Shixin Chen addressed the forum, together with Kazakhstan Minister of National Economy and ADB Governor Ruslan Dalenov; Governor of the National Bank of Kazakhstan Erbolat Dossaev; IMF Director, Middle East and Central Asia Department, Jihad Azour; and World Bank Regional Director Lilia Burunciuc.
ADB Central and West Asia Department Director General Werner Liepach moderated the discussions. Central bank governors, ministers, and high-level officials from CAREC countries participated in the panel sessions.
Key Documents
Summary of Proceedings | РУССКИЙ
Presentation Materials
CAREC Infrastructure Financing for Growth and Regional Connectivity | РУССКИЙ
Infrastructure Gaps, Growth, Financing, and Public Debt—Clarifying the Linkages | РУССКИЙ