CAREC Project Portfolio
From 2001 to December 2023, CAREC investments reached almost $51 billion covering 276 regional projects. Of the total, more than $17.6 billion was financed by ADB, $23.4 billion by other development partners, and $10 billion by CAREC governments (Figure A). The top three funders are ADB, the World Bank and the EBRD.
Of these investments, transport has the biggest share, with about 67.4% or about $34.3 billion; energy accounts for 25% or more than $12.7 billion; trade facilitation and trade-policy accounts for 2.7% or about $1.4 billion (Figure B).
A. Amount of CAREC Investments by Funder (as of 31 December 2023, in $ billion)

B. Amount of CAREC Investments by Sector (as of 31 December 2023, in $ billion)

C. CAREC Investments by Country (as of 31 December 2023, in $ billion)

Notes: AFG = Afghanistan, AZE = Azerbaijan, GEO = Georgia, KAZ = Kazakhstan, KGZ = the Kyrgyz Republic, MON = Mongolia, PAK = Pakistan, PRC = People’s Republic of China, TAJ = Tajikistan, TKM = Turkmenistan, UZB = Uzbekistan
The top 3 borrowers are Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan (Figure C). Uzbekistan has availed a little more than one fourth of the total investments in CAREC since its inception.
D. ADB-Financed CAREC Projects (as of 31 December 2023)

Of ADB-financed CAREC projects, transport has the biggest share, with about 73.5% or US$12.93 billion; energy comes in second with 18.8% or about US$3.3 billion, with the trade facilitation and trade policy sector having the third biggest share at 5.3% or about US$0.94 billion.
E. Cumulative Amount of CAREC Investments by Year (as of 31 December 2023, in $ billion)