Pakistan Trade and Transport Facilitation II


The project has the two following components:

  • National Trade Corridor (NTC). This component includes studies and technical assistance for analytical work to underpin key reforms, help assess and design prospective investments and build capacity to implement the Government's NTCIP in the following sub-sectors: ports, railways, road freight industry, highways, air transport, energy logistics, and other transport logistics.
  • Trade and Transport Facilitation (TTF). This component builds on the results achieved by the first trade and transport facilitation project closed in 2006, extending efforts to streamline and integrate trade data exchange and official controls, sustain public/private sector collaborative institutional framework and strengthen the domestic logistic industry.

Expected Outcome

The project aims to improve the performance of trade and transport logistics in Pakistan by facilitating the implementation of the National Trade Corridor Improvement Program (NTCIP) and the simplification and modernization of Pakistan's international trade procedures and practices.

Expected Outputs

  • Implementation of the National Trade Corridor Improvement Program (NTCIP).
  • Simplification and modernization of Pakistan's international trade procedures and practices.

Project Types



Funding AgencyAmount (USD millions)Notes
World Bank 6.5
Total 6.5