Support to Export Promotion Activities of the Azerbaijan Export and Investment Promotion Foundation (AZPROMO)


The Government of Azerbaijan established a foundation in 2003 to attract foreign direct investment into the non‐oil sector. In 2005, the foundation's mandate was expanded to include export promotion and to change its name to Azerbaijan Export & Investment Promotion Foundation (AZPROMO). The foundation promotes both trade and investment by servicing exporters and investors, stimulating exports and attracting investment, lobbying for supportive policies, and building the image of the country. The project aims to:

  • Support export promotion in tandem with foreign investment in order to support the development of the non‐oil private sector and diversification of the economy;
  • Support strengthening dialogue between the public and private sectors;
  • Contribute to the achievement of MDG 8 in Azerbaijan by supporting the country's further integration into the global economy; and
  • Support developing Azerbaijan as a regional hub and attract multinational firms to locate their regional headquarters in Baku.

Expected Outcome

On the activity level, the project has supported strengthening the institutional capacity of AZPROMO by providing training opportunities for AZPROMO staff; and supporting AZPROMO in promoting export and investment by organizing country presentations, business forums, conferences in the country and abroad.

Expected Outputs

Project Types

Technical Assistance


Funding AgencyAmount (USD millions)Notes
United Nations Development Programme 0.239
Government of Azerbaijan 1.035
Total 1.274