Renewable Energy Development


The technical assistance (TA) aims to increase the share of renewable energy in Afghanistan by developing a roadmap, developing hybrid wind/solar/diesel renewable energy projects, and increasing the necessary institutional capacity in the country. The TA will build on previous work and complement ongoing efforts of Afghanistan’s Ministry of Energy and Water and other development partners that will contribute to and benefit from Asian Development Bank's broader Clean Energy and Energy for All programs

Expected Outcome

Increased readiness for renewable energy development investments, both public and private, in Afghanistan.

Expected Outputs

  • Renewable energy road map for Afghanistan developed.
  • Report on renewable energy resource and technology assessment in identified areas completed.
  • Capacity to plan and implement renewable energy projects improved.
  • Pilot-testing and development of a solar powered kit completed.

Project Types

Technical Assistance


Funding AgencyAmount (USD millions)Notes
Clean Energy Fund 1
Total 1