Regional Trade Facilitation and Customs Cooperation Program, Phase II


The purpose of this regional technical assistance (TA) was to continue work initiated under TA 6058-REG by supporting Phase II of the Regional Trade Facilitation and Customs Cooperation Program (RTFCCP), the broad goal of which was to facilitate trade among CAREC countries (and between CAREC and the rest of the world) by developing simplified and harmonized customs legal frameworks and trade procedures.

Expected Outcome

Expected Outputs

Expected outputs included (i) adoption of revised customs codes by developing member countries (DMCs) in CAREC; (ii) establishment of customs automation systems compatible with each other; (iii) adoption of risk management-based customs control procedures; (iv) implementation of the transit agreements among Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, and Tajikistan; (v) establishment of an information platform, pilot-tested initially among selected DMCs; (vi) PRC’s accession to the Transports Internationaux Routiers (TIR) Convention; and (vii) support for accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and negotiations on trade facilitation.

Project Types

Technical Assistance


Funding AgencyAmount (USD millions)Notes
Asian Development Bank 0.9
CAREC Governments 0.22
Total 1.12