Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS and Other Communicable Diseases in CAREC Countries


The technical assistance (TA) aimed to contribute to regional health security by strengthening implementation of the International Health Regulations (IHR) in Central Asia and support the implementation of the European HIV/AIDS Action Plan.

Expected Outcome

Strengthened core capacity for surveillance and response to communicable diseases in pilot countries in line with IHR

Expected Outputs

  • Mapping of communicable disease vulnerability and response conducted in each participating country
  • Improved and standardized communicable disease surveillance and control in participating countries
  • Improved coordination and collaboration among participating countries and development partners in planning for and responding to communicable diseases
The planned activities under the abovementioned output areas were not implemented with the cancellation of the TA.

Project Types

Technical Assistance


Funding AgencyAmount (USD millions)Notes
People’s Republic of China (PRC) Poverty Reduction and Regional Cooperation Fund 0.3
SHARED 1.5 (Cooperation Fund for Fighting HIV/AIDS in Asia and the Pacific)
Total 1.8