Power Rehabilitation, Phase II


The project preparatory technical assistance (TA) will prepare the ensuing investment project, which aims to rehabilitate and upgrade the existing facilities in southern Tajikistan, covering generation, transmission, and distribution.

Expected Outcome

Expected Outputs

The purpose of the TA are to:

  • Part A:(i) assess the needs in terms of rehabilitation of the Vaskhsh cascade and of the transmission and distribution system in Khatlon Region; (ii) screen and ranked the hydropower plants in terms of economic benefits and others;
  • Part B: (i) study the rationale, the technical justification and design of the Project; (ii) carry out the economic and financial viability of the Project; (iii) prepare the Project cost estimate and Project packaging, including a detailed implementation schedule for each project component; (iv) recommend measures to enhance the poverty impact of the Project; (v) evaluate the soundness of the financial governance procedures; (vi) incorporate appropriate environmental impact mitigation measures and prepare resettlement plan as needed; and (vii) establish a set of monitorable indicators and a monitoring mechanism.

Project Types

Technical Assistance


Funding AgencyAmount (USD millions)Notes
Asian Development Bank 0.5
Government of Tajikistan 0.125
Asian Development Bank 0.011 Supplementary (approved Jun 2007)
Total 0.636