North–South Corridor Project


The project rehabilitates the 140.3-kilometer (km) highway section from Mazar-e-Sharifa to Dara-i-Suf, and the 98.9 km Bamian–Yakawlang road, which comprise the North–South Corridor connecting the ring road through central Afghanistan. The loan finances

  • rehabilitation of North–South National Highway, which includes the Mazar-e-Sharif–Dara-i-Suf road;
  • installation of cross-border customs facilities Spin Boldak; and
  • project management and monitoring, including provision of consultants to assist the Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Finance, and Ministry of Public Health in the implementation of the project.

Expected Outcome

The project will help promote economic and social development and reduce poverty by rehabilitating the national highway network, which will connect remote areas in central Afghanistan to the ring road.

Expected Outputs

  • Rehabilitated North–South highway, including the Mazar-e-Sharif–Dara-i-Suf road.
  • Customs facilities in Spin Boldar border point installed.
  • Strengthened efficiency of project management and monitoring.

Project Types

Grant, Loan


Funding AgencyAmount (USD millions)Notes
Asian Development Bank 78.2 Loan
Asian Development Bank 40 Grant
Government of Afghanistan 2.7
Total 120.9