Implementing the Integrated Trade Agenda in the CAREC Program


The TA will support the implementation of the CAREC Integrated Trade Agenda (CITA) 2030 under the framework of CAREC 2030 Strategy, specifically the 3-year rolling strategic action plan of CITA. CAREC 2030 provides the mandate to develop a trade strategy with forward-looking options and possibilities and address the increasingly intertwined issues of trade policy and trade facilitation in a synergistic manner.

Expected Outcome

Policy measures on the integration of CAREC countries with the global economy improved

Expected Outputs

  • Market access increased
  • Greater economic diversification promoted
  • Institutions for trade strengthened

Project Types

Technical Assistance


Funding AgencyAmount (USD millions)Notes
Regional Cooperation and Integration Fund 0.8
People’s Republic of China (PRC) Poverty Reduction and Regional Cooperation Fund 0.8
Total 1.6