Climate Adaptive Water Resources Management in the Aral Sea Basin Sector Project


The proposed project will build on lessons learned from past and ongoing projects of ADB in water resources in Uzbekistan. It will undertake a long-term, strategic and knowledge-based approach. The project will deliver climate adaptive solutions to water resources management by modernizing irrigation and drainage in selected subprojects within the Amu Darya and (selective reaches of the) Zarafshan River Basins in Uzbekistan.

Expected Outcome

Climate-resilient and modernized irrigation systems established in selected I&D subprojects in the Amu Darya and the Zarafshan River basins.

Expected Outputs

  • Main canal water supply systems modernized
  • Interfarm Irrigation and Drainage systems and on-farm water management modernized
  • Policy and institutions strengthened for climate adaptive and sustainable water resources management

Project Types



Funding AgencyAmount (USD millions)Notes
Asian Development Bank 153
Total 153