Capacity Strengthening of the Civil Aviation Sector


The technical assistance (TA) helps to upgrade the air safety oversight and improve financial governance of airport operations in Afghanistan.

Expected Outcome

The TA will strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation to oversee air safety and maintain its financial management system that is developed to enhance financial governance of airport operations.

Expected Outputs

The expected outputs of the TA were (i) an air safety regulatory  framework; (ii) a draft civil aviation act that would remedy the deficiencies of the existing acts; (iii) draft civil aviation regulations and civil aviation safety orders; (iv) work manuals for airworthiness control, flight operations inspection, personnel licensing, air operator certification, and accident and incident investigation; (v) a financial management system for airport operations; (vi) accounting and audit manuals; and (vii) a human resources development plan.

Project Types

Technical Assistance


Funding AgencyAmount (USD millions)Notes
Asian Development Bank 1
Government of Afghanistan 0.04
Total 1.04