Capacity Building for Regional Cooperation in Central Asia


The regional technical assistance (RETA) underscored the need for strengthening the overall institutional framework for the CAREC Program by building capacity for regional cooperation at the country level.

Expected Outcome

The expected outcome was strengthened capacities of participating countries to assume greater roles and responsibilities in planning, coordinating, and implementing the CAREC Program under the overall institutional framework.

Expected Outputs

The main outputs were: (i) a capacity building assessment plan; (ii) enhanced understanding of regional cooperation at higher levels in government; (iii) a functional regional cooperation support unit in each government; (iv) trained national officials involved in regional cooperation; and (v) enhanced information and knowledge exchange on regional issues.

Project Types

Technical Assistance


Funding AgencyAmount (USD millions)Notes
Asian Development Bank 0.95
CAREC Governments 0.05
Total 1