Enhancing Weather, Climate, and Water Information Services across Central Asia The World Bank, through the Central Asia Hydrometeorology Modernization Project, has already invested $28 million into modernizing monitoring networks, improving forecasting facilities and skills, and enabling regional information sharing.
Let the water flow: Improved irrigation to help farming communities in Karakalpakstan In Uzbekistan, a World Bank-supported project aims to help 1,500 private farms and 40,000 small farming households in three districts of rural South Karakalpakstan, by improving irrigation and drainage services to increase farming productivity.
Modern Farming Boosts Production in Afghanistan’s Khost Province Farmers in southeastern Khost Province are adopting modern agricultural methods to increase farm yields and raise their earnings. They are benefiting from a national which is working to increase horticultural production and productivity across Afghanistan.
Improving Irrigation and Water Supply Helps Tajikistan’s Poorest Communities With the overall goal of improving food security for Tajikistan’s most vulnerable communities, the World Bank launched in 2013 the Second Public Employment for Sustainable Agriculture and Water Resources Management Project.
Afghanistan: Improved Roads Connect People to Opportunities and Services in Khost Province The reconstruction was undertaken by the Afghanistan Rural Access Project, which aims to benefit rural communities by improving access to basic services and facilities through all-weather roads.
Toward a New Partnership: Georgian Voices The new World Bank Group Country Partnership Framework for Georgia will support the country in its efforts to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity in a sustainable manner.
Afghanistan: New Farming Practices Bear Fruit in Kandahar Province Target farmers in Kandahar Province are putting into practice new agriculture methods and seeing the fruits of their labor.This is the result of technical training sessions on horticulture provided by the National Horticulture and Livestock Project, which aims to increase horticultural output and productivity across the country.
Access to All-Weather Road Allows Afghan Valley Residents to Flourish The rehabilitation of a major rural road has opened up a valley in Panjshir Province, giving inhabitants greater access to markets, health facilities, schools, and travel.
Providing Clean Water, Fulfilling People’s Dreams in Villages of Kyrgyz Republic The village of Chook, nestled deep in the Kyrgyz part of the Ferghana Valley, is surrounded by hills and yellow-green strips of cultivated land. A significant number of local people have left for Russia and Kazakhstan, from where they now provide for their families back home. Those who have stayed in the village – like the family of Gulkan and Joldoshbay – grow wheat and cotton on their land plots.
Afghanistan: Rehabilitated Roads Revive Kabul Businesses and Ease Transportation Woes The rehabilitation of major roads and their surroundings in Kabul city has resulted in more modern, clean, and attractive spaces breathing new life into surrounding neighborhoods.