East–West Roads Project (Almaty–Korgos Section): Western Europe–Western China International Transit Corridor (CAREC 1b)


The projects involves

  • upgrade and construction of the Almaty-Khorgos road section within Almaty Oblast, including associated bypasses, bridges, interchanges, and ancillary facilities, and provision of consulting services for management and supervision of civil works; and
  • modernization of highway management along the Western Europe-Western China road corridor.

Expected Outcome

The project will increase transport efficiency along the Western Europe-Western China Road Corridor within Almaty Oblast and will modernize highway management on sections of the Western Europe-Western China Road Corridor.

Expected Outputs

  • Upgraded and constructed Almaty–Khorgos road section.
  • Modernized highway management.

Project Types



Funding AgencyAmount (USD millions)Notes
World Bank 1,068
Government of Kazakhstan 188
Total 1,256