19th CAREC Customs Cooperation Committee Meeting

The meeting discussed customs issues and challenges, as well as recommendations to continue to facilitate cross-border movement of goods in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic. The outcomes of the Webinar on e-Commerce and Paperless Trade and mechanisms to further strengthen CAREC customs’ e-commerce capacity were presented.

Customs officials, experts, and development partners deliberated on new investment projects, policy dialogues, and knowledge products and services for inclusion in the Rolling Strategic Action Plan 2020-2022 of the CAREC Integrated Trade Agenda 2030.

Key Documents

Agenda | РУССКИЙ



Session 1: Importance of trade facilitation and the role of customs during and post-COVID-19 | РУССКИЙ

Trade Facilitation After COVID-19 (Presentation by Global Express Association | РУССКИЙ

Response of Georgia Revenue Service to COVID-19 | РУССКИЙ

Trade Facilitation, E-Commerce, and Paperless Trade (Presentation by Afghanistan) | РУССКИЙ

Mongolia Customs Presentation | РУССКИЙ

CAREC Corridor Performance Measurement and Monitoring 2019 Annual Report and 2020 Midyear Update | РУССКИЙ

Presentation on Pakistan Customs Initiatives in COVID-19 Environment and CAREC Regional Integration Projects | РУССКИЙ

Session 3: Development Partner Interventions | РУССКИЙ